
It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for – and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool – for love – for your dreams – for the adventure of being alive.” ~Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Welcome to Art of Alchemy, Inc. me

If you’re here looking for magic of the type that turns base metals to gold, sorry… wrong kind of alchemy. Kind of. The Art of Alchemy is about transmutation, or transformation, but it’s of the mental sort.

Art of Alchemy INC is about taking the tragedies and trauma in your life and turning it to gold.

Universal Law and the Law of Attraction (“LOA“) teach us that everything that happens to us is a reflection of our thoughts, our beliefs, or what I like to call our inner game. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (“NLP“) teaches us that limiting beliefs have a positive purpose. Often, it’s to keep us safe from some perceived threat.

Often, our limiting beliefs were created before we were three. This often makes it difficult as adults, to recognize where or why we’re holding ourselves back.

As a Healer and Life Coach certified in both LOA and NLP, I specialize, thrive and love helping women who have been through a traumatic event such as the loss of a parent, car accident, or loss of an important relationship (i.e. divorce or breakup) to heal and create a once-again-magical life.

Women who have been through many traumas (as have I), whether they would qualify you for a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder diagnosis or not, are also on my radar. Because all too often, it doesn’t just stop at one tragedy – it seems to create a snowball effect.

Often, this is a result of those pesky limiting subconscious beliefs that we need to become aware of and heal. Rarely is it ever that “God hates me,” (my best friend used to say that a lot), “Just my luck,” or any of that other bull jangle we like to tell ourselves.

So if you’re ready to heal, my lovely, gorgeous friend, you are in exactly the right place!

Yay, right?!

A Brief Introduction to Me and my Lovely Assistant!

Yeah. That’s me and my cutie-pie assistant. We’ve been through a lot together and she’s helped me hold it together. She’s a rescue and she’s been absolutely wonderful! Can you tell I’m in love?

I have been through – or have created – oh so much trauma and tragedy in my time. From the loss of my mom when I was 18, to the loss of one of my bestest friends, to the car accident that took me for-freakin-ever to realize just how much it traumatized me.

The big breakup in 2000 pretty much brought me to my knees and then it was a series of loser relationships after that. Happily, I’ve mostly healed my relationship issues, although I’m currently single and loving it.

If you’d like to know more about who I am and why I do what I do, feel free to peruse the site, or Meet Me at the Meet Merry page.

I would also love it if you’d connect on Facebook. You can find me at Art of Alchemy INC.